Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back so soon!? Yes sir! Because I had to share this great steal with you! It's what I do :) So the back story is I am currently designing mine and my boyfriend's new house that we recently had built. We just moved in a few months ago and we are LOVING it! Of course we are starting from scratch with all the furniture and designs, but it really gives us the chance to express ourselves and take our time to perfect the house of our dreams. Here's a snapshot!! This was our first and only snow of the season:

House 2

So as you can imagine I am on the hunt for bargains all over the place! I like to call my style old world traditional. We love items that look like they could have been used in the past (I think the term is "back in the day"). This is one store that we both adore. Everyone knows they have beautiful items! So let's take this item for example:
Chalkboard tag - pottery barn
These are chalkboard tags that allow you to label just about anything! I always liked these for place settings! You can write a person's name on them and use them again and again and again and...well you get it! But $22.50 for 4? Ummmm I need 10 for my dining room table! I guess it ain't cheap to tell people where they are sitting. Until I found these:
Chalkboard tag - etsy
Hallelujah! I found these puppies on Etsy.com! The beauty of it was there were listings for 8 of these and 12 of these for purchase, so I reached out to the seller of these items and let her know kindly that I loved her product and needed just 10. She happily obliged and created a whole new listing for me to buy 10! The best part was they were only $25 for 10! I received them the other day and they came out beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. I highly recommend these if you like a similar look.

And I lived happily ever after with my chalkboard tags, and we danced into the sunset. A romantic ending, huh? Well all my guests will get that romantic feeling too when they come to eat at my house with this beautiful touch!

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